Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2016


I just want to share the requirements some of GMDSS Equipment (VHF, EPIRB & SART) that are used on board and make it simple to read,. So, Let's check it out.,

Portable V.H.F

                Actually, VHF has 2 types there are “VHF Radio Instalation” and “Portable VHF”,. We will discuss about “Portable VHF” only. The main reason why we have to discussing it, is relating with the Emergency reason that always will face in any time at sea.

                A. General requirements:
1.        Should be capable of operation on the frequency 156.800 Mhz (VHF channel 16) and at least one additional channel.
2.       Capable of transmitting a distress alert.
3.       Should be operational within 5 s of switching on.
4.       Should be portable and capable of being used for on scene communications.
5.       Be of small size and light weight.
6.       Be watertight to a depth of 1 m for at least 5 min.
7.       Be of a highly visible yellow/orange colour or marking with marking strip (yellow/orange).
8.       Comply the drop test (1 m).


                E.P.I.R.B is special radio for  transmitted distress alert on board, using signal wave of VHF on the frequency 121.5 Mhz & 243 Mhz. It can be active 48 h continuously to transmitted distress alert around the vessel/craft in distress to show the position of the vessel/craft in distress.
                A. General requirements:
9.       Capable of transmitting a distress alert using DSC on VHF channel 70 and providing for locating by means of radar transponder operating in the 9 GHz band.
10.   Ready to be manually released and capable of being carried by one person into a survival craft.
11.   Capable of floating free in the ship sinks and being automatically activated when afloat.
12.   Be of a highly visible yellow/orange colour and be fitted with retro-reflecting material.
13.   Capable of being activated manually.
14.   Comply the drop test (20 m).
15.   Be resistant to deterioration in prolonged exposure sunlight.
16.   Not be unduly affected by seawater or oil or both.

B. Stowed:
1.       Installed in an easily accessible position.
2.       Generally, in the antenna deck (secured in part of the vessel).

                S.A.R.T is a self-contained, portable and buoyant Radar Transponder (receiver and transmitter), S.A.R.T is operate in the 9 Ghz marine radar band, and when interrogated by a searching ship’s radar, respond with a signal which is displayed as a series of dots on radar screen.

                A. General requirements:
1.       Installed in an easily accessible position.
2.       Capable of being activated manually.
3.       Be watertight at a depth of 10 m for at least 5 m.
4.       Frequency 9200 – 9500 MHz
5.       Duration of operation: 96 h in stand by condition followed by 8 h of transponder transmissions while being continuously interrogated with a pulse repetition frequency of 1 kHz.
6.       Effective antenna height: ≥ 1 m.
7.       Delay between receipt of radar signal start of transmissions: 0.5 µs or less.
8.       Be of highly visible yellow/orange colour on all surfaces where this will assist to detection.
9.       Capable of being tested for all functionalities using specific test information.

B. Stowed:
1.       Installed in an easily accessible position.
2.       Generally, stowed in the corner of the wheelhouse.
3.       Sometimes, one of them is stowed in Lifeboat (Administration in appropriate).

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